Israelis appear to have returned Netanyahu to Balfour Street, will American Jews stick with him?

In the end a surprise victory for Israel’s most skilled and successful politician, Bibi Netanyahu. The cost? Israel’s standing in the international community, and division domestically. An Israeli friend of mine wrote: Even after so many years away, I’m still crushed by the wasted potential of my homeland. But the country was never really mine. … Continue reading

McMillen exhibit opens at OMCA

McMillen exhibit opens at OMCA: Found art, large-scale installations join California Art section by Ryan Ariel Simon Michael McMillen is a quintessential California artist. After a childhood in Los Angeles, and contact with Hollywood films, experimentation seems intrinsic to him. He is also a quintessential American artist. Inspired by his travels across the country, McMillen … Continue reading

Youth imagination awakening globally

Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy dubbed the wave of revolt sweeping North Africa and the Middle East an “awakening of the Arab imagination.” I am inclined to agree.
Americans’ imaginations are awakening too.

A ‘Smart’ Decision?

“I can’t talk now,” I said, “I’m trying to get out of the house to go look at smartphones.”
“What’s a smartphone?” said Tessa.
Someone younger than me without a blackberry? I thought I was the only one my age resisting the technology revolution, 24-7 access to our friends and family.


The Alameda County Registrar released unofficial results of the instant runoff computer program for ranked choice voting at 3:47pm today on their website, revealing Jean Quan in the lead to be the next mayor of Oakland.

Video Journalists Reach Across Gaza-Israel Divide

Israeli video journalists Harvey Stein and Palestinian Nasser Najjar team up to report on the Israel-Gaza conflict from both sides of the border.

Gaza, Oakland. A Primer.

The situation in Oakland is clearly deteriorating. Relations between the police and poor or struggling communities have been tense, and the killing of Oscar grant was clearly the last straw.
Gaza is also a deteriorating situation. Following the 1967 war between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries it was under military occupation. In 2005 the Prime minister of Israel withdrew its settlers and military from the Gaza strip, but maintained control over Gazan borders, airspace, coastline, infrastructure, power, and imports-exports.
Comparing Gaza and Oakland is tempting because things that happen there happen here also. But it is a true false analogy because of the vast differences.

Gaza, Oakland. Not the same shit.

While human rights connect many issues facing the world today, it is altogether inaccurate to directly compare police brutality and the police-community relationship in Oakland, and the Israeli-Palestinian relationship in Gaza.

As journalists die so does free speech

Another innocent has fallen in Mexico’s increasingly brutal drug war, and the chance for free society to flourish is falling along with them…Here in our own backyard Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey was murdered just blocks from Laney while working on several stories investigating corruption in the Oakland Police Department, and shady finances of Your Black Muslim Bakery.

The Future of Our Cities

Following World War II, the United States also suburbanized based on the widespread availability of personal transportation, and the highway system. Population centers then detached from jobs and commercial centers.

It either was a serious lack of planning, or seriously short sided planning, but either way it was a great mistake. Either way it meant a massive and unnecessary usage of natural resources.

We should not wait until we are forced by global disaster, and a crumbling economy built on non-renewable energy resources. We can right the mistake of decentralization into suburbs with smart and innovative planning, but there are many tough issues we must address.